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Dental Care of Wheaton

General & Cosmetic Dentistry in Wheaton, IL

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General, Cosmetic and Emergency Care for the Whole Family

Dental Care of Wheaton is now accepting new patients of all ages. Whether your tyke lost their first tooth, your hockey star got his teeth knocked out or grandpa needs his crowns restored. We offer general, cosmetic and emergency dentistry procedures for all Wheaton, IL residents. The mission is providing exceptional dentistry services and care in a convenient, state-of-the-art office. Bringing in these new dental tools and methods ensures that your next dental service is not stressful or painful.

Whether you’re here for your annual dental examination or you have a broken or chipped tooth requiring emergency care, our family dentist in Wheaton, IL strives to put you and your family at ease. The key to good oral health is making sure you take advantage of preventative dental care. This is the focus at Dental Care of Wheaton. Getting your teeth regularly examined, cleaned and practicing good oral hygiene in-between visits at home will help you avoid cavities and other painful, costly dental procedures in the future. Our office offers a calming experience to help you feel relaxed when you need dental services. We don’t want you to extend your pain because you might be worried about the cost or the procedure. There have been many advances in the dental field to lessen the stress of much-needed procedures like dental fillings, orthodontics, and implants. These procedures are far less painful and scary than in previous years.

A Proud Provider of Invisalign® Clear Aligners

dental care of wheaton and invisalign logo

Unlock Your Brightest Smile With Our Teeth Whitening Program

woman smiling while working on laptop

Make an Appointment with Our Wheaton Family Dentist

Appointments are not always necessary at Dental Care of Wheaton, but they are recommended to ensure our availability. However, if you’re in pain and require dental care at a moment’s notice, our Wheaton family dentist is typically able to provide emergency same-day appointments. We have flexible hours available to accommodate you. Dental Care of Wheaton accepts cash, check, credit card and most major insurance providers to help you get the service you need to keep smiling on a day-to-day basis. Whether you’re a new or existing patient, please contact us today via phone or email to schedule your next appointment with us. We are always accepting new patients. Our staff looks forward to helping you and your family take care of your teeth and gums for a healthy, long-lasting smile!

Dentistry Service You Can Expect from Dental Care of Wheaton

Whether you need to schedule an appointment for a routine cleaning, or you need emergency dental services, Dental Care of Wheaton has you covered. We are a whole family dentist office with an ability to help everyone from grandma to your toddler. We also focus on preventative dental care with the hope to educate our patients on how to properly take care of their beautiful smiles even after they leave our office. You can take steps to ensure you have the strongest, natural and healthy smile possible, and we will teach you the skills to prevent any significant damages or surgeries needed. Emergencies happen though and rarely at convenient times. Dental Care of Wheaton is here to help with any and all services needed to make sure that you are proud of your smile. Below are some of the services available from our staff:

  • Annual Dental Exams
  • X-Rays
  • Dental Cleanings
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Tooth-Colored Composite Fillings for Cavities
  • Root Canals
  • Bridges
  • Veneers
  • Crowns
  • Invisalign
  • Dental Implants

Call Us Today to Schedule Exceptional Dental Care


57 Danada Square East
Wheaton, IL 60189



Hours of Operation

Monday: 7:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Dental Care of Wheaton, Danada Square East, Wheaton, IL, USA

We Help You Afford the Care You Need and Deserve!

Dental Care of Wheaton accepts most major dental insurance plans, and will work with you to help you understand your benefits.

  • GEHA

Elite Total Care Plan


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We Accept All Major Credit Cards

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